Sean collaborates with us for the translation of our books into Mandarin.
His experience is diverse. Funnily we meet while he was working as a gardener!
“Don’t underestimate me, and I won’t underestimate you.”
Bob Dylan
Sean’s qualifications are as follows:
Bachelor and Master degrees from Department of International Politics, Peking University;
Assistant Research Fellow at Central Compilation and Translation Bureau in Beijing;
Visiting Scholar at Government Department, University of Queensland in Australia;
Doctorial degree from Department of International and Modern Asian Studies, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia;
While Sean is not studying he has been involved in various research projects in the areas of modern Asian and China studies sequentially in Department of International and Modern Asian Studies, Griffith University, Agricultural College of Sydney University at Orange, NSW and Griffith Asia Institute, Brisbane in a bilingual environment.
Lately he has been a freelancer in translation and interpreting industry with NAATI certificates.