Box or carton?
Have you found that the language of your industry creates confusion for customers While you may speak the same language as your customer, perhaps you are not listening to their requests?
By way of example, I ordered a box of eggs from my local fruit and vegetable store. My expectation was I was purchasing 12 eggs in a box. Sound simple?
Apparently, it is not that simple.
The fruit and vegetable store heard my request as 15 dozen eggs (Yes, 12 times 15 eggs equals, 180 eggs). Because, in the fruit and vegetable industry, one ‘box’ is 180 eggs.
What words do you regularly use that are not familiar to your customers? Why should it be your customer’s responsibility to understand your industry specific jargon? It is not a customer’s responsibility. It is yours.
It is up to you to simplify the ‘jargon’.
Use language for your customer’s comprehension, not for your own.
Ensure that you deliver the outcome that the customer needs.
Otherwise, you may be left with 180 eggs to cook up.