Juggling too many tasks?
Trying to write your business book BUT …
Too many tasks on the go?
Too many balls in the air?
Feeling overwhelmed?
Your to-do list is never ending. And growing bigger each day.
Feel like your life is falling apart at the seams?
Before we go further, we should clarify what ‘falling apart’ may look like in your life. Clarity of the definition will assist to understand if you are on the best path for success to complete writing your business book.
Let’s look at a potential definition of ‘falling apart’. Some business owner’s believe that a lack of presence on social media means that their world is falling apart. I don’t agree. Particularly if the time away from social media has been focused on book writing.
There are times when it is better to ‘go quiet’ from the online community, especially when this allows you to get your business book written. Think about how your online community feels when they have been promised a book ‘due out soon’ that never comes to fruition.
Not sure about you, however I would be a much happier customer and prospect to see a finished book. It is much more preferable than tweets, instastories and facebook updates about ‘I am writing my book’ and then the book never appears.
Maybe you could ask your online community the following question:
‘If I was to go MIA from the online community for one, two or three weeks so that I could finalise my business book (that I have been promising for weeks/months/years) would you mind? I promise to invite you all to my book launch!’
It is likely that most of your online community would respond with comments like:
‘That would be awesome.’
‘Send us an occassional picture so we know you aren’t cheating.’
‘Can’t wait to read your book.’
‘When can we pre-order?’
Ponder this saying … The more I think about it the bigger it gets.
Will you use these words for good or evil?
(For good) Let’s put it another way, the more focus you put into your book, the quicker you will complete and the sooner you can be back online organising your book launch party.
(For evil) The more you focus on not writing your book and telling the world that you are too busy because you are posting on social media, your world is falling apart. Your task list is growing and you know can’t see how you will ever write your book.
It is up to you to choose what you want to do.
Hoping that you chose the ‘for good’ option. If that is the case, get on with it and get cracking with writing your business book.
You may find it useful to have a read of my FREE book to get you across the finish line.
For those who chose the ‘for evil’ option.
It is a sad state of affairs that some humans seek to avoid potential risk at all costs.
Here are my thoughts, take or leave as you see fit.
A more serious note about your life ‘falling apart’.
If it is your relationships with your family and friends that are starting or have become strained, then this is another story (pun intended) altogether. Reconsider your juggling and how you are currently allocating your tasks. Ask for help. Take a day to work out what you want to do and seek out others who can assist you. Ask your family and friends if they know anyone who can assist you and make this journey easier.
It is possible that your life will only get messier and be more likely to fall apart if you don’t revisit what you do each day.
What can you do to start picking up the pieces of your life and getting back on track?
Think about why you wanted to write a book in the first place.
If this is not clear, and front and centre of your mind then you need to reset your planning.Without the support of your family and friends your book writing will feel lonely and dark.
To assist you may find it helpful to revisit some of these previous posts:
Top 5 techniques for gathering your ideas and finishing your business book this year
Another idea is for you to review what habits you can change to keep yourself on track with writing your book.
Sometimes when the rest of your life feels like chaos, this can mean that you are on the best track for success.
Try to remember this when you feel as though your world is falling apart. Perhaps you are actually on the best track.
Maybe it feels so hard because no one has been that way before. You are blazing your own path and cutting new ground, so the work feels very hard. Look back occasionally and see how far you have come!
Enjoy the journey of writing your business book.
Please contact me by replying to this post or send me an email dyan@dyanburgess.com
You may be interested in watching a 25 minute video about Creating Your Book in Less than 60 Minutes, you can find more details here.
The video reveals:
* How to create a book in less than 60 minutes
* The impact writing a book will have on your business
* How to use a book to build a greater customer relationship